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Khilla Keep 2, Map 5


Map 5, 65 feet down.

Map 4 and 5 are on the same physical level.

10) 20’ × 40’ × 10’

3 barrels of water, apricots, and apples chest with lock towards wall: chain mail +1 chest: 150 gp, 300 cp

11) 30’ × 30’ × 20’

2 bugbears armed with clubs each has 25 sp. yellow wicker chest: two cleric scrolls: 1) cure light wounds, cure light wounds 2) slow poison, cure poison, create food and water

12) 50’ × 40’ 20’ store room

4 barrels: carrots, wheat, apples, water 5 small chests: 1) 100 gp, 2) 75 sp, 100 cp, 3) dagger +1/+3 vs. evil, 125 gp, five 10 gp gems, 4) 360 cp, 100 sp, leather cap +1, 5) 42 ep, 150 sp 1 larger chest: bolt of silk on top worth 360 gp, inside quiver and 12 arrows +1 3 small sacks: 100 sp each clothes: leather shirt +1, cloth shirt +1, boots of elven kind

13) 40’ × 50’ × 20’

spiral stairs down to next level. 4 wooden chairs, not magical. cactus: will fling spikes at any that come within 10 feet. 1d2 per hit, total spikes is 10 red cloth: ordinary cloth, worth 1 gp blue curtain: worth 5 sp.

14) 40’ × 30’ 20’

chicken on the barrel: cheap beer upright barrel: water

15) 30’ × 30’ × 30’

6 giant rats green glowing chest: 100 cp

16) 30’ × 30’ × 10’

5 skeletons armed with a sword.

Map 5: 845 gp equivalent

Categories Trillolara, Khilla Keep, ruins

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