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Military Arms, Guards and City Defense part 1, Fondfield, Trillolara


All of the military are presumed to have a place to sleep when in town, extra regular clothes, eating utensils, gear for travel and shelter while traveling. Clothing for various weather conditions is supplied by Fondfield. Some units have ceremonial gear, but mostly these units have no use for such items. Each barracks has a laundry, dining room, kitchen, storage and various other supplies. Uhm, and anything I may have forgotten…

Too many troopers ? No, usually one-fourth to one-third are out on patrol outside Fondfield. Every three weeks of duty gets them three days off. Four additional days for gear, clothing, cleaning the barracks, etc. upkeep. They can drink 1 or 2 beers (total) in the unit dining room on their days off. Why not more ? The town leaders want sober troopers, and the water here is drinkable.

Not mentioned in unit lists are the several clerics, druids, magic-users,and illusionists that work with them to provide medical and magical backup.

The guards units are paid by Trillolara.

   Guards, Heavy Infantry:

       The Wolverines: 100 men-at-arms          2 spears, long sword, chain, shield
                        10 Serjeants/fighter 1  long sword, morning star, chain, shield
                         4 Leutenants/fighter 3 long sword, morning star, chain, shield
                         1 Captain/fighter 5    long sword, +2 Battle Axe, chain, shield

                   ( attack as one unit or 4 squads of 25 men-at-arms each)

The Wolves: 60 men-at-arms heavy crossbow, 20 quarrels, short sword, chain, shield 4 serjeants/fighter 1 long bows, 30 arrows, long sword, dagger, chain, shield 2 Leutenants/fighter 2 long sword, mace, chain, shield 1 Captain/fighter 4 long sword, morning star, chain +1, shield ( attack as one unit or 2 squads of 30 men-at-arms each)
The Eaglad: 50 men-at-arms 1 spear, long sword, hand axe, chain, shield 5 serjeants/fighter 1 long bow, long sword, dagger, chain, shield 2 Leutenants/fighter 2 long sword, battle axe, dagger, chain, shield ( attack as one unit or 2 squads of 25 men-at-arms each)
The Badgers: 40 men-at-arms heavy crossbow, 20 quarrels, short sword, chain, shield 4 serjeants/fighter 1 long bows, 30 arrows, long sword, dagger, chain, shield 2 Leutenants/fighter 2 long sword, mace, chain, shield 1 Captain/fighter 4 long sword, morning star, chain +1, shield ( attack as one unit or 2 squads of 20 men-at-arms each)
Additional: 60 men-at-arms, 240 shields, 290 chain mail, 200 long swords, 20 morning stars, 270 spears, 30 battle axes, 45 hand axes, 50 short swords, 50 heavy crossbows, 1,000 quarrels, 70 maces, 100 daggers. These 60 men-at-arms can fill in ranks of the above units if needed, but their training in something particular might be behind on any tactics changes. They are otherwise in good fighting condition.

Categories South Hemisphere

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