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Military Arms, Guards and City Defense part 3, Fondfield, Trillolara


All of the military are presumed to have a place to sleep when in town, extra regular clothes, eating utensils, gear for travel and shelter while traveling. Clothing for various weather conditions is supplied by Fondfield. Some units have ceremonial gear, but mostly these units have no use for such items. Each barracks has a laundry, dining room, kitchen, storage and various other supplies. Uhm, and anything I may have forgotten…

   Guards, Archers and Slingers:

       The Long Strike: 120 men-at-arms          long bow, 30 arrows, long sword, dagger,
                                      leather, shield
                         12 Serjeants/fighter 2  long bow, 30 arrows, long sword, mace,
                                      leather, shield
                          4 Leutenants/fighter 3 light crossbow, 25 quarrels, long sword, mace,
                                     leather, shield
                          1 Captain/fighter 5    long sword, +2 Hand Axe, leather +2,

                   ( usually along the wall, up to 40 on duty at all times )

The Thumpers: 60 men-at-arms slings, 100 stones, short sword, leather, shield 4 serjeants/fighter 1 slings, 100 stones, short sword, dagger, chain, shield 2 Leutenants/fighter 2 long sword, mace, chain, shield 1 Captain/fighter 4 long sword, morning star, chain +1, shield ( usually along the wall, up to 20 on duty at all times )
The Grin-Yah: 150 men-at-arms long sword, hand axe, chain, shield 15 serjeants/fighter 1 long bow, long sword, dagger, chain, shield 7 Leutenants/fighter 2 long sword, battle axe, dagger, chain, shield 1 Captain/fighter 4 long sword, morning star, chain +1, shield ( assist the archers and slingers as their close-in support )
The Shu-Kar: 80 men-at-arms long sword, hand axe, chain, shield 15 serjeants/fighter 1 long bow, long sword, dagger, chain, shield 10 Leutenants/fighter 2 long sword, battle axe, dagger, chain, shield 3 Captain/fighter 4 long sword, morning star, chain, shield ( the guards who operate the gates, sound action stations, day to day guard duty of the town) ( usually on watch, one in three days. Day shift)
The Kar-Shu: 80 men-at-arms long sword, hand axe, chain, shield 15 serjeants/fighter 1 long bow, long sword, dagger, chain, shield 10 Leutenants/fighter 2 long sword, battle axe, dagger, chain, shield 3 Captain/fighter 4 long sword, morning star, chain, shield ( the guards who operate the gates, sound action stations, day to day guard duty of the town) ( usually on watch, one in three days. Night shift)
Additional: 60 men-at-arms, 340 shields, 190 chain mail, 200 leather mail, 200 long swords, 20 morning stars, 45 hand axes, 50 short swords, 15 light crossbows, 2,000 quarrels, 6,000 arrows, 20 maces, 60 daggers.

Categories South Hemisphere

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